Robert Epstein, the chief programmer on the project while he was at Berkeley, formed Britton Lee, Inc. along with other students from the Ingres Project, Paula Hawthorn and Michael Ubell; they were joined later by Eric Allman. Robert Epstein, главный программист в проекте Berkeley, вместе со своими студентами из проекта Ingres — Paula Hawthorne и Mike Ubell, и позже Eric Allman — основали Sybase.
Robert Epstein, the chief programmer on the project while he was at Berkeley, formed Britton Lee, Inc. along with other students from the Ingres Project, Paula Hawthorn and Michael Ubell; they were joined later by Eric Allman. Robert Epstein, главный программист в проекте Berkeley, вместе со своими студентами из проекта Ingres — Paula Hawthorne и Mike Ubell, и позже Eric Allman — основали Sybase.